Does anyone know this song? It's by "The Carpenter's," who my mom loves. In it she says, "rainy days and Mondays always get me down." I personally LOVE rainy days. I miss the endless clouds and rain of Seattle. This Florida sunshine has been hard on me. However, I REALLY don't like Mondays. Even as a kid I experienced sleepless Sunday nights, dreading the beginning of a new week. Wow! I sound like I need therapy!
Anyway, I feel like I've had a lot of Mondays lately. When it rains it pours. I won't get into everything that has happened, and none of it's awful awful. But I will say, to those of you who knew I was pregnant, that I miscarried early last week. It didn't come as a shock. I was actually expecting it to happen. We knew from the beginning that the baby wasn't developing properly. I'm sad, yes, but relieved at the same time. I spent so much energy worrying and hoping, and now that burden is no longer there. I'm still young too. I have plenty of time to have that big family I've always dreamed of. Plus I still have four beautiful, healthy children and a wonderful husband.
Does anyone feel bad for feeling sad? I do. If I get upset when something goes wrong, I feel like I need a big slap in the face to remind me how tremendously blessed I am. When I realize how much I
HaVe been given I start to feel bad that I had wanted more. I feel so selfish and ungrateful!
Well, now onto my frivolous problem. With each of my four
pregnancies I have gained about 15 pounds in the first three to four months and maybe 4 pounds after that. It's awful! I look like a blimp during the first trimester. Then, suddenly, the weight comes off my face, arms, etc, and goes to my belly where it should be. I gained a good seven pounds while I was pregnant for those ten weeks. I NEED to get it off now. I'm starting tomorrow since I can't start today (it's my birthday). I'm also putting a weight tracker on my blog to keep me motivated. I've done the South Beach Diet in the past. It works for me, so here I go again. Anyone want to join in?
Sorry, no pictures in this post. I look and feel like a SLOB! Oh, and sorry for all the whining.