Thursday, December 22, 2011

November Catch Up

My biggest (ok, maybe she's not the biggest). My oldest baby turned ten! I remember being very upset on my tenth birthday. I didn't want to be double digits. I wanted my childhood to last forever. Tay on the other hand is a pint-sized grown up. She thinks, dresses, and acts like an adult. I have to remind myself she's only ten. Ha ha, I can't believe she's already ten, yet at the same time, I can't believe she only ten. She received a kindle for her birthday. The children in her class made a going away book for her. Many of them made collages of her reading on her kindle. She LOVES it.
Also, Tay, Tigue, and I took a road trip to New Jersey for her first grade teacher's wedding. Ms. Sequeira asked her to be what every girl dreams of, the flower girl!
Tay with Grandma and Grandpa Miller on her birthday
The best part of staying in a hotel............jumping on the beds!

matching outfits to get ready in

A gorgeous bride and flower girl
On our way home from Jersey I saw an exit for Tigue Street. It was the middle of the night but I couldn't pass this up. It turns out there was no on ramp at this exit. I was forced to backtrack and got lost. Grrrrrrrrrrr. We finally made it home safely.
Our BFFFE (best friend forever for eternity) Emily
We had 19 people living under our roof for Thanksgiving. Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds, Cody and Jess, Uncle, Ryan, and the Ellsworth's crashed Fredonia. Ryan, pictured above with Tagg, surprised us from Turkey!
Cody and Tigue
Headstand contest
A tornado went through Fredonia hitting our garage. Thank goodness it missed the house.
Another episode of Tigue Greed anyone?
Rook pulled a burnt grilled cheese sandwich out of the garbage. Yum!

Grandma and Grandpa Miller had us over for a memorable Family Home Evening. We "let our light shine" by making candles. Thanks for a great time Mom and Dad!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Reese took the kids camping every weekend throughout the Summer and into the Fall. We have some dear friends who own some property on Lake Erie. They set up a campsite for us and we were able to leave our tent up through the season. I loved allowing the kids to freely explore the woods and lake. I especially loved seeing their smiley, hot chocolatey, dirt smeared faces..........oh, and the laundry that followed.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Finally...........a real fall! We have been looking forward to this time of year since we moved to New York. Try as they might, though no fault of their own, Florida just can't do it right.
A view from the bridge next to our house
The kids played in this creek everyday in the Summer
Pumpkin picking
Tay feeding a pony
Payte and the goats
Our pumpkin family. Reese carves a special one for me every year. Can you guess which one it is?
All six of them. We have Juliet, a skeleton, Luigi, a tiger, and salt 'n' pepper.

A look from behind
Artistic Dad
Someone forgot to tell Payte that skeletons don't have tongues.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Payte the Great is 8!

Baptism Day!

Dak is 6!

We loooooooooooove Dak-man!

Summer Stuff

We had a SuPeR Summer!
We spent some time in NYC. This is us getting ready to get on the subway. We took pictures of our trip on three different cameras and two phones. This is the only one from NYC I've uploaded so far.
Crabbing off the coast of Maine
Hill Cumorah Pageant
"Samuel Precsott" giving the girls an earful on the Freedom Trail in Boston
The kids and friends getting a treat in Boston's Little Italy
A Wampanoag home at the Plymouth plantation
The Plymouth settlement

The Mayflower
Scripture camp at cousin Rebecca's
Rebecca and Abigail at the stick pull
What is Maine without lobsters?

Rock tower
Reynolds' and Diviney's on the beach
Reese and Prince
Sitting on the original doorstep of the prophet Joseph Smith's home.
Joseph Smith monument in Sharon, VT

Our good friends the Crane's came for a visit!
Maid of the Mist ride at Niagra Falls